Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Street Tutorial with John Easterby

This tutorial was good as there were only threeof us; Stephen Javis,Raul Stef and myself.
For once there was enough time to talk about our work, chat a little and for job to make more informed comments and critique at least two projects and one of my edited images.
It was hard to detract myself from the way i shoot on the street to match the brief and as John said; make my images more dramatic.
They are mostly dreamy type,sureall adventures into different places, but this happened and looked this way becasue i shot on film. proceesed myself and scanned myself (why tjhey were two dark)
also for some of the images i used an old zeiss Ikon..which has no focus just distance marks, but the lens is sharp and the shutter so quiet. Unfortunatly their often ,focus and exposure mistakes.
In all John said he liked the work,would like to see more and others in colour,more dram-dynamics,maybe get closer..try to get the wasted aspects like; processing,camera,scanning probelems out of the way.
In all a good tutorial..not sure how it helps asi already know my problems (technical and editing myown work) just need help getting over this...but it good for morale/confidence to have positive view of youre work by repected teachers and real anayalis of the weaker points to know and possibly improve...i hope we get John again for other crits.
I have to give a workshop on 'Introduction to Documentary Photography' at the Arts Center where i had an exhibition recently..will be my fist and i doubt i know enough and am not succesful enough to teach..but will be a good experince!..at least its not at a college...
any advice appreciated.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Yeah I enjoyed being critiqued by John, was very helpful