Thursday, April 2, 2009

Well i havnt blogged!.... for a while so probobly this will go against my mark?
Havnt taken many pictures for a finding it hard to get inspiration...

i still have my Images from the Chechen project in Warsaw, but i need to scan them and also go back to Warsaw to finish but i dont have te cash at the moment.

I suppose im at this stage now of half apathy half consciouse that is shouldnt moan so much.....

Im teaching p/t and thats interesting..finding out how much i know...but this finsihes soon.

Im looking at the other people on the course and most of them are working photographers....or have succesful im in Limbo.

My photography isnt progressing on the online course isnt elping me as i feel too distant from the course and its Tutors...without group and peer crites and the thought that we will have an Online exhibition is depressing..i joined the course really to find out where im going wrong commecialy and how to improve my work,its output and its exposure and also make more useful contacts?
the old networking to suceed story!

But it seems now that if i dont get a certain tutorial with certain other students or i dont go to Perpignion or i dont have the money to work on a saleble, commercial conformist project i will be left behind..again!.......well im not going o be negative anymore if i can help it...but my fustation get the better of me sometimes....

The portrait project and the fact that we will not get marked on thses early projects has created some apathy within me and i feel a little dispirited at the moment....

Im stil trying to get my 5 picture story together and itsnot easy....acess to a intresting story has not been easy....i tried a loca circus but they wanted a £100 deposit to take images!...

so have three options left and not much time:

1) The Tea dances :but there are only two left before the hand in date

2) The seik temple..but that dosnt leave many days as its only every Sunday

3) The Polish and Brazilian Migrants i know..but they dont have many days free and it seems much too disparte for a 5 pic story?

there is a 4th bu that will be too late for hand in..ive been asked to take image of a theatre festival in Poland..but its from the 22nd-29th of April!........

Well as i dont have any new images to show an im still waiting for my ned digitial camera from ebay!!!...ahhhhh where is it? is an image from my portraits to cheer me and others up

1 comment:

Daniel said...

hey Kirk,

When you say you feel to distant, in what way? Do you feel that the setup isn't working, or helping you enough?

you know we have the basecamp meeting on mondays and now on a saturday. Also, we've talked about sharing contact info, you can always drop me a mail/skype whenever, if you need a quick critique

btw, my people of durban series was incredibly cheap to make, all it cost was petrol and film processing, so you don't always need a load of cash to make it sellable.

I know what you mean about access, i too have struggled with getting it recently, but it's just pushed me to try harder.

I reckon the Sikh temple sounds interesting, as does the immigrants story. Also don't forget that you can get access to these at first and find they might be able to give you more story than you expected, which might help in the long term.
